Thursday, January 21, 2016

Mnemonic for Vit B complex

Hey guys, Jay here! These days we are having Nutrition subject and we were studying Vitamin B complex recently. Since it's confusing to me I made a mnemonic using the names of my class mates :P

With all due respect to my classmates who are future physicians, here is my mnemonic! :)

P.S. - A cut circle sign is added to everywhere where numbers are missing. Number of them means How many of them are missing! :)

With love,

- Jay :) 


  1. Wow. Really great ��...!

  2. Thank you,it's very helpful.

  3. My mnemonic ' TRAIN Pakro Pakro bhai Futo Chalo '---TRAIN ---T-Thiamine , R-Riboflavin , N -Niacin , Pakro -Pyridoxine , Pakro -Pantothenic acid Bhai --Biotin , Futo -Folic acid ,
    Chalo --Cynocobalamin

  4. Substitute "Bach, Beethoven", etc for "Bowling" if you love classical music! Or: "Then Rachmaninoff N Puccini Played Bach for Chopin". Or: "Then Rhianna N Prince Played Beyonce for Cher"

  5. The Romans Never Painted Pyramids BeFore Christmas... works better to remember Pyridoxine and pantothenic acid.


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